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"As Thor had more than once come into contact with porcupine quills, he hesitated."
"Like the wind Thor bore down on the flank of the caribou, swung a little to one side, and then without any apparent effort--still like a huge ball--he bounded in and upward, and the short race was done."
"They headed up the creek-bottom, bending over from their saddles to look at every strip of sand they passed for tracks. They had not gone a quarter of a mile when Bruce gave a sudden exclamation and stopped."
"'Come on!' he cried. 'The black's dead! If we hustle we can get our grizzly!'" |
Если ты - самая уродливая в мире собака, это еще не конец света. Главное - твоя отвага и твое доброе сердце... |
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