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Главная » Файлы » Литература о животных

Pedro The Ugliest Dog In The World by Papa G
[ Скачать с сервера (829.0 Kb) ] 15.10.2011, 11:33

Pedro the ugliest dog in the world was ugly and when I say ugly, I don’t mean just plain old dog ugly, I mean hideously and unfortunately ugly. He had two bug eyes—one big, one small. He had jutting teeth and wonky ears. He had a tongue that was precisely two inches too big for his mouth and apart from one tuft of spiky silver fur on top of his head he was completely bald. But there is one thing a puppy can always count on—no matter how ugly he is—and that is the love of  a mother, and Pedros mother, a wise old goat hound by the name of Carmelita, loved Pedro with all her heart for the brave little soul he was.

"Why do I look so different from my brothers?" Pedro asked his mother one day.

"Because you are special." His mother gave him a reassuring lick.

"Special? Special how?" Pedro wanted to know.

"You are brave and strong, one day soon people will come and take you to join their pack and you will protect them with your life as this is a dogs duty, they will not care what you look like and they will love you for who you are."

"Who am I?" Pedro asked.

"You are the bravest little dog in the whole of Mexico."

"Sweet!" Pedro shouted and wagging his hairless tail went back to playing with his brothers.

Pedro enjoyed this time with his mother, and he enjoyed playing rough and tumble with his brothers. He even enjoyed the company of Seсor Fuentes their owner. 

Категория: Литература о животных | Добавил: Silk-Wire | Теги: животные, мужество, Собака
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