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Словарь звукоподражательных глаголов. Сергей Бен-Лев.
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| 05.11.2011, 11:40 |
bark vi. [OE beorcan, of echoic orig.] 1 to make the characteristic sharp, abrupt cry of a dog лаять 2 to make a sound like this лаять 3 to speak or shout sharply; snap гаркать 4 to cough кашлять 5 [Slang] to advertise a show, sale, etc. by shouting about it in public прокричать - vt. to say or advertise with a bark or shout прокричать bash vt. [echoic orig.] 1 to strike with a violent blow; smash (in) ударять, обрушиваться 2 to attack or abuse, as with blows or with words ругать, нападать, налетать bay vi. [OFr baiier, echoic of howling] to bark or howl in long, deep tones лаять - vt. 1 to bark at; howl at лаять 2 to chase with yelps and barks травить 3 to bring to or hold at bay затравить 4 to utter in long, deep tones лаять beep vi. [echoic] to make the brief, high-pitched sound of a horn, as on an automobile or bicycle гудеть в клаксон - vt. to cause to make such sound гудеть в клаксон bell vt. [OE belle, to sound, roar (orig. < ? echoic)] 1 to attach a bell or bells to подвеши- вать бубенцы 2 to shape like a bell делать в форме колокола - vi. 1 to flare like a bell иметь раструб в форме колокола 2 to utter long, deep sounds, as a hound in pursuit of game; bay; bellow мычать, реветь
Категория: Теория и практика | Добавил: Lizzy
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