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Примеры стилистических приемов из английской и американской литературы.
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| 05.11.2011, 12:05 |
1.Still watching the student nurses, Mc.Neil saw that two were deathly white, a third had gasped snd turned away; the other three were stoically watching. A.Hailey The author uses the above mentioned epithets to give better picture of the inner state of the characters. The word “pale” is rather neutral, while “deathly white” is emotionally coloured. It gives a vivid picture.
2.The golden strain of Polynesia betrayed itself in the sun-gilt of his skin and cast up golden sheens, and lights through the glimmering blue of his eyes. J. London The author uses reversed epithets in the above extract to touch the reader’s imagination. With the use of epithets, J. London makes emotionally coloured description of the character.
3.On the bottom of the huge and glassy lagoon was much pearl shell, and from the deck of the schooner, across the slender ring of the atoll, the divers could be seen at work. J. London The author uses simple epithet “glassy” to show that the water in this lagoon was pure.
4.The sun had disappeared, and a lead-coloured twilight settled down. J. London
Категория: Теория и практика | Добавил: Lizzy
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