In the beginning was the Writing
Prompt. As most early adopters of
Google+ will know, the first several weeks of the new social network included
huge outpourings of creative energy and collaboration. Nina was posting her writing prompts, and
getting good response, but when she posted this one, something special
The responses were compelling. Compelling beyond what she had normally
gotten. This had gone beyond writers
exercising their craft, and turned into people pouring out their hearts onto
the page.
And from these responses, came an idea:
that they needed to be preserved. Drew
stepped up to assist with that, and after a few days, we both realized that we
could do something more than just preserving the responses for one writing
prompt, and Scriptorum Tantillum Publishing was born. This is the first of what will be quarterly
or bi-monthly journal issues. We’re also
working with some writers to publish works in full. And all of it because of what people wrote to
their ten year old selves.
Some of these are short, some of them are
long. They include advice about
relationships, jobs, and investment. A
few of them are funny. Several of them are
heart wrenching. All of them are real.
We hope you enjoy reading them.
Nina & Drew