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Bad Luck Cadet by Suzie Ivy
[ Скачать с сервера (357.6 Kb) ] 15.10.2011, 13:30

My midlife crisis started with a broken hip that started with a smart horse and a dumb rider. I was forty four years old and forty pounds overweight. My horse was in great shape and enjoyed my pain tremendously. He laughed all the way to his new owners. I cried all the way to the hospital.

I convalesced for two months. During that time, I watched television, read books, surfed the web and ate lots of junk food. My forty pounds soon became fifty and I think depression set in. I never suffered from depression before so I cant be positive. It may have just been the pain pills.

As soon as I could walk without the walker, I decided I needed to make some changes. But what changes? What did I want to do with the rest of my life?

 An ad on the drugstore bulletin board changed everything:

Small Town looking for a few good men and women!

Must have a crime free background,

Must work well with others,

Must be able to physically undergo the rigors of the police academy,

Must be able to complete what you start.

Must be 21 years old but youre never too old.

Academy begins August 15.

 Six months away, never too old! This was for me. I could actually picture myself in a police uniform. I had always looked good in navy.

Категория: Современная проза | Добавил: Silk-Wire | Теги: копы, сша, Юмор
Просмотров: 643 | Загрузок: 121 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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