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КПВ - Тур 144(сентябрь)
LizzyДата: Среда, 09.09.2015, 10:28 | Сообщение # 1
Живое Слово
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Можно покидать камушков smile

upd. Текст на перевод от vera .

Jam-making may be said to flourish during a period of three months, from the beginning of July to the end of September. It comes in with the strawberries and goes out with the apples and plums. Great care is exercised in the selection of a suitable day for the ceremony. The weather on the day must be as dry as possible; otherwise the boiled juice will not thicken properly, and that, as every housewife knows, spells ruin. The behaviour of the boiled juice is the most critical part of the process. If, as is too often the case, the syrup resolutely refuses to coalesce, the only remedy is to boil the mixture over again, adding more sugar; too great a parsimony in regard to which is generally the cause of failure, when failure comes. Spare the sugar, and, in the words of one good lady who had had misfortunes in that direction, “it just stan’s like dub-water.” A consummation devoutly to be prayed against.

To the lay mind jam is either strawberry, raspberry, plum, or, at the most, one of half a dozen other varieties of fruit. Only the specialist in the subject knows the vast possibilities of jam-making. Only he—or she, as it generally is—can appreciate the joys of trying strange blends and making experiments with berries hitherto unknown to science, and which may or may not turn out to be deadly poison. The jam-maker who loves her art will not rest content with preserves which the dilettante can buy for a shilling at the grocer’s. All the wild products of the woods and fields are laid under contribution. The bilberry (or blaeberry, “according to the taste and fancy of the speller”), the barberry, and, above all, the bramble,

The bramble, the bonny forest bramble,
That makes a jest of silken vest,
That doth through greenwood amble,

These are grist for the jam-makers’ mill. In the Highlands and Moorland districts the cranberry, and whortleberry, and even the berries of the rowan, or mountain ash, are made into jam—the last-named being a fine example of how the maker of jam loves the art for the art sake. She knows that rowan berries cannot by any possibility or process be made to taste pleasant. But they are berries, and are consequently, as such, fit objects for jam. On the shores of the Argylleshire lochs, where there is shelter from wind and rain, the fuchsia grows in profusion, and its berries are made into a species of very palatable jelly. Bramble gathering is a very favourite employment of Scottish children, combining, as it does, the “utile” of furthering the manufacture of jam, and the “dulce” of getting their faces scratched and their hands and clothes dirty.

As an instance of the greater seriousness with which jam is regarded in the north, it may be mentioned that it is there reserved for Sunday tea—a great festival. In England the cult is less strenuous, and jam may be found on the schoolroom or nursery table on each of the seven days. Jam-making will never be really popular with the sterner sex, for, under the mystic spell of the fumes of boiling syrup, their claim to be considered the superior sex is temporarily in abeyance. They and their requirements are totally disregarded, and they can only win notice by selling their independence and performing such menial services in connection with the jam making as the carrying to and fro of huge pans of fruit and sugar. Officers in His Majesty’s Army have been seen to degrade themselves in this manner, and, as for mere civilians, they are regarded simply in the light of pack animals. On such occasions, the hand that wields the ladle rules the world.

источник http://www.madameulalie.org/grp/Jam.html

Дурак учится на своих ошибках, умный — на чужих, а мудрый использует опыт и тех, и других себе на пользу.
HelgaДата: Среда, 09.09.2015, 18:26 | Сообщение # 2
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Я согласна, давайте возьмём этот текст, а то сентябрь пролетит.
KonstantinusДата: Среда, 09.09.2015, 19:35 | Сообщение # 3
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Когда час Х? (выкладка или кому-то на почту слать, как тут у вас, кажется, раньше было)
Правильно ли я понял, что берем вот этот кусочек?

Цитата vera ()
Jam-making may be said to flourish during a period of three months, from the beginning of July to the end of September. It comes in with the strawberries and goes out with the apples and plums. Great care is exercised in the selection of a suitable day for the ceremony. The weather on the day must be as dry as possible; otherwise the boiled juice will not thicken properly, and that, as every housewife knows, spells ruin. The behaviour of the boiled juice is the most critical part of the process. If, as is too often the case, the syrup resolutely refuses to coalesce, the only remedy is to boil the mixture over again, adding more sugar; too great a parsimony in regard to which is generally the cause of failure, when failure comes. Spare the sugar, and, in the words of one good lady who had had misfortunes in that direction, “it just stan’s like dub-water.” A consummation devoutly to be prayed against.

To the lay mind jam is either strawberry, raspberry, plum, or, at the most, one of half a dozen other varieties of fruit. Only the specialist in the subject knows the vast possibilities of jam-making. Only he—or she, as it generally is—can appreciate the joys of trying strange blends and making experiments with berries hitherto unknown to science, and which may or may not turn out to be deadly poison. The jam-maker who loves her art will not rest content with preserves which the dilettante can buy for a shilling at the grocer’s. All the wild products of the woods and fields are laid under contribution. The bilberry (or blaeberry, “according to the taste and fancy of the speller”), the barberry, and, above all, the bramble,

The bramble, the bonny forest bramble,
That makes a jest of silken vest,
That doth through greenwood amble,

These are grist for the jam-makers’ mill. In the Highlands and Moorland districts the cranberry, and whortleberry, and even the berries of the rowan, or mountain ash, are made into jam—the last-named being a fine example of how the maker of jam loves the art for the art sake. She knows that rowan berries cannot by any possibility or process be made to taste pleasant. But they are berries, and are consequently, as such, fit objects for jam. On the shores of the Argylleshire lochs, where there is shelter from wind and rain, the fuchsia grows in profusion, and its berries are made into a species of very palatable jelly. Bramble gathering is a very favourite employment of Scottish children, combining, as it does, the “utile” of furthering the manufacture of jam, and the “dulce” of getting their faces scratched and their hands and clothes dirty.

As an instance of the greater seriousness with which jam is regarded in the north, it may be mentioned that it is there reserved for Sunday tea—a great festival. In England the cult is less strenuous, and jam may be found on the schoolroom or nursery table on each of the seven days. Jam-making will never be really popular with the sterner sex, for, under the mystic spell of the fumes of boiling syrup, their claim to be considered the superior sex is temporarily in abeyance. They and their requirements are totally disregarded, and they can only win notice by selling their independence and performing such menial services in connection with the jam making as the carrying to and fro of huge pans of fruit and sugar. Officers in His Majesty’s Army have been seen to degrade themselves in this manner, and, as for mere civilians, they are regarded simply in the light of pack animals. On such occasions, the hand that wields the ladle rules the world.
LizzyДата: Среда, 09.09.2015, 20:31 | Сообщение # 4
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Цитата Konstantinus ()
Когда час Х? (выкладка или кому-то на почту слать, как тут у вас, кажется, раньше было)
Правильно ли я понял, что берем вот этот кусочек?

Konstantinus, если народ не захочет перенести тур на октябрь и если нет других предложений отрывков, то, да, выкладывать этот текст сюда самостоятельно после 23.59, мск, 30 сентября.

Дурак учится на своих ошибках, умный — на чужих, а мудрый использует опыт и тех, и других себе на пользу.
Fleur_dorangeДата: Четверг, 10.09.2015, 06:38 | Сообщение # 5
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Спасибо за такое «вкусное» предложение. Постараюсь поучаствовать. Немного страшат стихотворные строчки в тексте. Совершенно не умею такое переводить.
veraДата: Пятница, 11.09.2015, 07:55 | Сообщение # 6
Собеседник Века
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Глаза боятся - руки делают. А кто умеет-то. Все учимся. В сентябре, как я понимаю, варим варенье. Присоединяйтесь. biggrin
НиколайДата: Пятница, 25.09.2015, 11:02 | Сообщение # 7
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Может, на октябрь перенесем? Хотя бы числа до 15-го?
KonstantinusДата: Понедельник, 28.09.2015, 12:13 | Сообщение # 8
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Цитата Николай ()
Может, на октябрь перенесем? Хотя бы числа до 15-го?

Пусть "администрация" решает. Но в октябре - Баканов. Перед смертью не надышишься )
LizzyДата: Понедельник, 28.09.2015, 12:43 | Сообщение # 9
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Пусть народ решает, а администрация санкционирует smile

В принципе, можно и продлить до 15-го. Тот, кто уже справился, молодец, пусть редактирует спокойненько. А кто-то не успел, зачем же полтора перевода выкладывать. Насчет не надышишься, не соглашусь. Вполне приличная отсрочка. Профи такой объём за два часа сделает, а неленивый новичок за день. smile

(гм, а куда же делся пост Веры, на который Konstantinus ссылается... выставила текст в начале ветки, для удобства)

Дурак учится на своих ошибках, умный — на чужих, а мудрый использует опыт и тех, и других себе на пользу.
KonstantinusДата: Понедельник, 28.09.2015, 13:59 | Сообщение # 10
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Цитата Lizzy ()
В принципе, можно и продлить до 15-го.

Я - за. "Больше переводов хороших и разных!"
Буду редактировать до 15-го.
YuraДата: Понедельник, 28.09.2015, 16:55 | Сообщение # 11
Общаюсь, но в меру
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Надо понимать, договорились? "Варим варенье" до 15 октября? smile А то у меня тоже проблемы со стихом sad
veraДата: Понедельник, 28.09.2015, 18:45 | Сообщение # 12
Собеседник Века
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Никуда не торопимся.Выкладывать будем пятнадцатого октября.Кто уже готов,может заняться ИРЛИ (ну,очень интересно!)или ШБ. Всё-для трудящихся. biggrin
KonstantinusДата: Понедельник, 28.09.2015, 19:35 | Сообщение # 13
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Цитата vera ()
Кто уже готов,может заняться ИРЛИ (ну,очень интересно!)или ШБ.

Пардон, не понял. ШБ - это я знаю, а кто такие эти ИРЛИ? ) Просветите, друзья.
LizzyДата: Понедельник, 28.09.2015, 19:37 | Сообщение # 14
Живое Слово
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Konstantinus, это вот http://sw-translations.ucoz.ru/forum/8-24-2#11370 smile

Дурак учится на своих ошибках, умный — на чужих, а мудрый использует опыт и тех, и других себе на пользу.
KonstantinusДата: Вторник, 29.09.2015, 07:52 | Сообщение # 15
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Цитата Lizzy ()
Konstantinus, это вот http://sw-translations.ucoz.ru/forum/8-24-2#11370 smile

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