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KsiushaДата: Вторник, 22.11.2011, 23:46 | Сообщение # 16
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С помощью Ваших советов, попробовала сделать работу над ошибками smile

Riding the Rainbow
You can always find the way into a wonderful fairytale. "This is rubbish!” someone may say with laughter. Fairytales exist only in books and, by the way, nobody, but kids believe in them". But, look, what is everything around us if not a miraculous fairytale? The World is a great mystery that even a wise man cannot solve. A new day, smiling faces of friends that bring you fun and joy - all these are a part of the fairytale we live in. We close our eyes and immerse in the fairy world of our dreams and see everything we are long for.

Very high in the sky there live small people. They are so tiny that it’s almost impossible for us to see them. Every day they ride air-horses and rest on snow-white feather beds of cloudlets. They have their own towns, small houses and even trees with airy crowns. The streets are always noisy, because the people like to chat with each other, sharing the latest news. When they have fun, the sun shines and the hearts of the people on earth fill with joy, taking in warmth and happiness of the sunbeams. When they feel blue, it rains.

Very deep underground there are also towns but their inhabitants are very different from the sky men. They are building houses from clay and sand, visiting each other and making toys for the children. When a baby is born a little sprout appears on the earth. When the kid becomes older - the sprout turns into a blade of grass, a flower or even a tree.

The airy and the underground people call very often on each other. How do they manage to travel then? That's quite simple: when the rain passes, there are little drops on the grass. And if the sun looks out at once, from the very earth to the sky a big and attractive rainbow shines. And it is the rainbow that helps to carry out the journey.

One fine day I was lucky enough even to talk with fairy friends. I found out that these small people are aware of everything that happens with us here, on earth. Sitting on the cloud curious citizens can tell everybody his or her future. And underground people know all the events of our past.
“Why, past! It's boring”, I thought. “Past is passed and never will be back again. But what a pleasure would be to learn my future.”
“It is by no means boring!" answered a small underground man. “Look, when somebody knows nothing about the past, he doesn’t deserve to learn the future!”
“Why then?" I was amazed.
“Nothing in the world happens without special reason. Everything has its history. When people relate each other their own histories, they learn a lot of interesting new things.
“What if I made something wrong and have not the slightest desire to relate it to anybody?"
“Then somebody can make the same mistake. You don’t want it to happen, do you? But when we share happiness, it becomes even stronger, when your friends are as happy as you are.

These words gave me something to think about. That is right – it's so pleasant when everyone around us is happy and joyful! But still and all, how can I learn my future? I waited till the rain is over. With the first sunbeams the bright and colorful rainbow ribbons helped me to get on a visit to a big fluffy cloud. The curious eyes of an airy girl seemed to know everything about me.
“Tell me please, can someone learn the future?” I began the conversation.
“Yes, it is possible", she answered. “But only if you truly want it.”
“Oh, I'm longing for it!”
“What future are you longing for?
“My dream is to have people dear for me around and never quarrel with them. I wish people smile more often. I just want myself and others to be happy!”
“Do you believe it is possible?”
“Yes, I do, I really do!”
“Everybody can achieve only what he or she believes in. If you wish it with all your heart, you will have so much happiness as you give others."
After the visit I felt so nice and relieved. How much joy can you get in the life, having a dream and an aim. How great it is to know, what we are living for. When I feel sad, I think about my fairy trip. Never ever in my life had I a chance to travel by the rainbow again. But now I know that there are small people in the sky and underground, who know everything about us and watch over people in the hours of need.
Женская_логикАДата: Понедельник, 02.01.2012, 14:20 | Сообщение # 17
Иногда изрекаю слово
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Читать переведенный текст было легко, так что мне понравилось, но заметила в уже исправленном тексте недочеты.
Все-таки в первом предложении смысл не тот, что в оригинале.
Грамматическая ошибка в ...we are long for (are - лишнее, потому что глагол используется в Present Simple Tense)
Затем меня смутил перевод фразы: "На . Улицах всегда царит оживление..." Слово "noisy" здесь имеет другой оттенок. Поэтому я просмотрела англо-английские словари и нашла, чем заменить : The streets are always busy.
В третьем абзаце в первом предложении нужно поменять порядок слов : Also there are towns very deep underground...
"Everybody can achieve only what he or she believes in" - мне кажется, здесь смысл передан не тот. На мой взгляд, проблемя в "only" : оно сразу же поменяло суть изречения.
"in the hours of need" - нигде такого не встречала, но если так правда можно говорить, то напишите, пожалуйста, чтобы взять на заметку. Я лишь встречала варианты " in hour of need" и "in time of need".
Хотелось бы поблагодарить за такой ценный материал, потому что и себя проверила и узнала немного нового про уместность употребления слов. smile
KsiushaДата: Понедельник, 02.01.2012, 17:01 | Сообщение # 18
Общаюсь, но в меру
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Спасибо за ценные замечания smile Рада, что материал оказался полезным!

Решила оставить такой порядок слов, потому что получаются параллельные предложения:
Very high in the sky there live small people - Very deep underground there are also towns...

Честно говоря, hours of need нашлись как-то сами, я даже не задумывалась над числом существительного. Да ещё и слова из песни на ум пришли (...when I find myself in times of trouble ... let it be) Times of trouble тоже в словарях не встречается, правильнее было бы time of trouble. Получается разговорный вариант. Но, конечно, грамматику по песням проверять не стоит biggrin
Женская_логикАДата: Понедельник, 02.01.2012, 17:59 | Сообщение # 19
Иногда изрекаю слово
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Спасибо за ответ! Буду знать=)
Теперь мне стало яснее, что я мыслю слишком узком, ограничивая себя жесткими правилами грамматики. Может и правда стоит иногда отступать от них! smile
DianaДата: Понедельник, 22.04.2013, 19:39 | Сообщение # 20
Иногда изрекаю слово
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Сообщение отредактировал Diana - Понедельник, 22.04.2013, 20:08
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