Я хочу предложить одну очень интересную вещь на будущее, но не уверена насчет объема. Может, стоит нам как-то установить некий лимит - по кол-ву слов или символов?
Как правило, берут что-то около стандартного листа - от 1000 до 1500 знаков. Но лучше выложить текст, а заинтересованные лица проголосуют - брать ли целиком, или разбить на этапы. Я правильно понял - в октябре переводим феерию?
Как правило, берут что-то около стандартного листа - от 1000 до 1500 знаков.
Стандартный лист - 1800 знаков с пробелами. Не наблюдаю я здесь подобных тенденций, даже отдаленно. К примеру, июньский отрывок - 5000 с пробелами, июльский - вообще 14 000, Modern fairy - 6000. Может быть, Вы имеете в виду 1000 слов? Это больше похоже на правду Хотя тоже многовато, на мой взгляд. Вот, например, последний отрывок из ШБ занимает примерно 600 слов (3250 с пробелами). Хотелось бы услышать мнение Ирины - ведь ей приходится это читать, и чем больше, тем дольше времени это отнимает. Наверное, есть смысл подсократить объемы, чтобы судья успевала с разбором?
Сообщение отредактировал old_barb - Суббота, 27.09.2014, 12:24
Да, вы знаете, к своему стыду я так и не смогла подступиться к июльскому отрывку, хоть и обещала. Меня устрашил объем. Я ведь не просто читаю тексты, но и стараюсь разобрать переводы. Действительно, это отнимает довольно много времени. Поэтому я как-то сникла...
Ээх, жаль. А мы, бесстрашные, старались :-) Всех участников конкурса ПГВ поздравляю с Международным днём переводчика. Желаю здоровья, сил и вдохновения :-) Спасибо Вера, Николай, Mrs_Hope, Lizzy за участие, идеи и ценные замечания при «работе над ошибками». Вам, Ирина, спасибо за то, что находили время нас судить. В будущих турах участвовать не обещаю, но читать переводы буду.
Предлагаю в октябре устроить тайм-аут. Участники и так, наверное, ШБшат. А судья сможет спокойно разобрать июльские работы. Ирина, мы верим в Вас. И раз уж навалили Вам так много, то не ждем уж очень подробного разбора - просто выскажитесь, что Вам понравилось, а что - нет.
По поводу лимита на задания. Я, правда, знаки не считал, но мне не кажется, что отрывки так уж выросли. За последние лет 5-6 и побольше встречались. Во всяком случае, если предлагается отрывок, то его ведь можно обкарнать еще до начала конкурса. Так уже делалось в этом году.
По поводу размеров текста - действительно, в прошлом году тоже попадались большие отрывки. Может, имеет смысл каждый раз размер обсуждать всем участникам, а судье - утверждать?
В общем, я постаралась подрезать покороче. Кладу под спойлер, потому что лучше это, конечно, прочитать целиком сначала - "White Hope". Это очень необычный Вудхауз и очень неожиданная тема.
Conditions being favorable, it only needs a spark to explode a powder-magazine; and there are moments when a word can turn an outwardly calm and patient man into a raging maniac. This introduction of Mrs. Porter’s name into the discussion at this particular point broke down the last remnants of Kirk’s self-control. For a few seconds his fury so mastered him that he could not speak. Then, suddenly, the storm passed and he found himself cool and venomous. He looked at Ruth curiously. It seemed incredible to him that he had ever loved her. “We had better get this settled,” he said in a hard, quiet voice. Ruth started. She had never heard him speak like this before. She had not imagined him capable of speaking in that way. Even in the days when she had loved him most she had never looked up to him. She had considered his nature weak, and she had loved his weakness. Except in the case of her father, she had always dominated the persons with whom she mixed; and she had taken it for granted that her will was stronger than Kirk’s. Something in his voice now told her that she had underestimated him. “Get what settled?” she asked, and was furious with herself because her voice shook. “Is Mrs. Porter the mother of the child, or are you? What has Mrs. Porter to do with it? Why should I ask her permission? How does it happen to be any business of Mrs. Porter’s at all?” Ruth felt baffled. He was giving her no chance to take the offensive. There was nothing in his tone which she could openly resent. He was not shouting at her, he was speaking quietly. There was nothing for her to do but answer the question, and she knew that her answer would give him another point in the contest. Even as she spoke she knew that her words were ridiculous. “Aunt Lora has been wonderful with him. No child could have been better looked after.” “I know she has used him as a vehicle for her particular form of insanity, but that’s not the point. What I am asking is why she was introduced at all.” “I told you. When you were away, Bill nearly—” “Died. I know. I’m not forgetting that. And naturally for a time you were frightened. It is just possible that for the moment you lost your head and honestly thought that Mrs. Porter’s methods were the only chance for him. But that state of mind could not last all this time with you. You are not a crank like your aunt. You are a perfectly sensible, level-headed woman. And you must have seen the idiocy of it all long before I came back. Why did you let it go on?” Ruth did not answer. “I will tell you why. Because it saved you trouble. Because it gave you more leisure for the sort of futile waste of time which seems to be the only thing you care for nowadays. Don’t trouble to deny it. Do you think I haven’t seen in these last few months that Bill bores you to death? Oh, I know you always have some perfect excuse for keeping away from him. It’s too much trouble for you to be a mother to him, so you hedge with your conscience by letting Mrs. Porter pamper him and sterilize his toys and all the rest of it, and try to make yourself think that you have done your duty to him. You know that, as far as everything goes that matters, any tenement child is better off than Bill.” “I—” “You had better let me finish what I have got to say. I will be as brief as I can. That is my case as regards Bill. Now about myself. What do you think I am made of? I’ve stood it just as long as I could; you have tried me too hard. I’m through. Heaven knows why it should have come to this. It is not so very long ago that Bill was half the world to you and I was the other half. Now, apparently, there is not room in your world for either of us.” Ruth had risen. She was trembling. “I think we had better end this.” He broke in on her words. “End it? Yes, you’re right. One way or the other. Either go back to the old life or start a new one. What we are living now is a horrible burlesque.” “What do you mean? How start a new life?” “I mean exactly what I say. In the life you are living now I am an anachronism. I’m a survival. I’m out of date and in the way. You would be freer without me.” “That’s absurd.” “Is the idea so novel? Is our marriage the only failure in New York?” “Do you mean that we ought to separate?” “Only a little more, a very little more, than we are separated now. Never see each other again instead of seeing each other for a few minutes every day. It’s not a very big step to take.”
vera, Николай предложил устроить на октябрь тайм-аут, чтобы Ирина могла спокойно подбить итоги. Я передавала это предложение судье и, как мне показалось, она согласилась. Еще раз удостоверюсь, для очистки совести. Дурак учится на своих ошибках, умный — на чужих, а мудрый использует опыт и тех, и других себе на пользу.